
Should On-Board Cameras be Mandatory?

Technology is continuously increasing and expanding in this modern world, and one place that’s under fire is the automotive industry. New devices and gadgets are being packed into our vehicles all the time with a wide variety of purposes - the latest in this list is on-board cameras.

There are a wide variety of benefits to having cameras recording your driving, especially for insurance purposes, but should they become mandatory?

Pros for Having Cameras

Easily the biggest benefit of on-board cameras is the hard-evidence that it provides should you have a collision or an incident occurs. This helps to reduce the amount of false insurance claims being made, which in turn will reduce insurance pay-outs and this will have a knock-on effect on the price the average customer will pay on their premiums.

In addition to this, loading-view or rear-facing cameras can be used to deter theft from vehicles. Vans in particular could use this method of prevention to safeguard the equipment stored in the rear by using CCTV to record the faces of any potential thief.

Cons to Cameras

Big brother claims are always shouted from the rooftops whenever cameras are introduced anywhere, and this is the only real negative that comes with this system. There are also expenses of installing the cameras onto your vehicle, which could cause issues if this system becomes mandatory.


While not yet mandatory, on-board cameras are a great idea if you’re looking to reduce the amount you pay on your insurance premium. They can help to cut costs, reduce the amount of theft and create a safer road for everyone - all in all, it’s a pretty good idea!

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